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Январь 2025
Chief editor’s column
Interview of the issue
Topic of the issue
M.A. Erokhova Evolution of Good Faith in the Civil Code as a Result of the Work of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court In the Russian Post-Soviet Civil Code, which was adopted in 1995,
subjective good faith is the legal ground for acquisition of property
rights and the remedy for protection of deals from invalidation. In
Russian law objective good faith mostly starts to develop in judiciary
practice of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court in the cases connected with
the invalidation of deals and recovery of damages for formally legal
but unscrupulous conduct. In 2014 the objective good faith as a
general principle was added to the Civil Code (para 3 Art. 1). Also,
several examples of good faith have been added to it, these examples
were taken from the practice of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court, for
example it is estoppel in the process of invalidation of deals (para 5
Art. 166). Besides it is precontractual liability (culpa in contrahendo,
Art. 431.1) and waiver (paras 4–5 Art. 450.1) were included in the
Code, these institutes were unknown to the Russian practice before.
Author assumes that now Russian courts use the objective good faith
usually in the spheres, where the good faith mentioned in the Civil
Code — the pre-contractual liability, invalidation of the deals and
termination of the contracts and they ignore good faith as a principle,
through which the court may evaluate the conduct of a person. No
examples where the Russian court used the objective good faith in
the cases connected with the performance of the contract — no
examples of using contractual duty of care, duty of loyalty, duty to
cooperate. On the contrary, the practice of the European courts is
riddled with such examples. Author supposed that codification in
Russia characterises current times: after nearly thirty years of Post-
Soviet codification the time enimical to judicial law-making has
come. Good faith principle was developed only by judicial law-making
because it is not the statutory one, but consists of the interpretations
of the independent courts. This process came to a halt in August 2014
with the liquidation of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court: interpretations,
which were created by this Court, are still widely used by other courts
but no new stage of development has followed so far.
good faith principle, subjective good faith, not knowing nor having to know of a certain fact, objective good faith, standard of conduct, codification of a good faith, legal ground for acquisition of the right
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E.A. Sukhanov Development of the System of Legal Entities in the 1994 Civil Code of the Russian Federation The article analyses different types of legal entities enshrined in
the current Civil Code of the Russian Federation and their division
into commercial and non-commercial, as well as into corporate and unitary organisations. The historical peculiarities of the
domestic systematisation of legal entities and its shortcomings are
highlighted; the influence of Anglo-American corporate law on the
modern development of the legal status of Russian business entities
is noted. The peculiarities of the civil legal status of some new types
of corporate legal entities (specialised organisations, business
partnerships, etc.), as well as state corporations and public-law
companies are described.
joint-stock company, Civil Code, civil legislation, commercial organisation, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, legal personality, enterprise, systematisation, partnership, unitary organisation, establishment, legal entity
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O.M. Kozyr, V.I. Senchishchev The Concept of ‘Real Estate’ in the Civil Code of Russia (History, Modernity and Prospects of Development) The article analyses the approach of the Russian legislator to
the concept of ‘real estate’ over the past 35 years since the return
of the division of things into movable and immovable, reveals the
advantages and disadvantages of Article 130 of the Civil Code in the
dynamics of its development. In conclusion, the authors consider a
possible change of approaches to the legislative regulation of the
concept of ‘real estate’, based on the draft Section Two of the Civil
Code in the wording finalised in 2019 under the guidance of the
Council under the President of the Russian Federation on codification
and improvement of civil legislation.
immovable things, single object, land plot, buildings and constructions, premises, parking space, enterprise, state registration of rights
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O.A. Zharkova The Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Real Estate: Does the Civil Code Need Updating? The article analyses the dynamics of development of civil legislation
in terms of regulation of real estate issues. The author comes to
the conclusion that under the influence of public law legislation,
reasonable changes were made to the Civil Code of the Russian
Federation, while the concept of a real estate has not changed
for thirty years, and this, in the author’s opinion, is also justified.
In general, the author comes to the conclusion that despite
diametrically opposed goals, in real estate matters, civil and public
legislation coexist quite harmoniously.
real estate, civil-law transactions, part of real estate, improvement of land plot, state registration, part of land, construction project, tax object
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A.A. Makovskaya Imperative and Dispositive Norms on Pledge in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation The article examines the norms of the Civil Code on pledge from the
point of view of assessing their peremptory or dispositive nature in
the absence of a direct and unambiguous indication thereof. It is
concluded that the provisions defining the essence of the right of
pledge as a proprietary right are imperative and the provisions on
the pledgee’s preferential right to receive certain sums of money
and property received in exchange for the subject of pledge are
dispositive. Special attention is paid to the analysis of a set of Code
provisions (Art. 350.2 and Art. 447–449) on the procedure for bidding
in the extrajudicial sale of the subject of pledge, and those which
should be recognised as imperative and which the parties are not
entitled to deviate from even by virtue of the general dispositiveness
enshrined in Art. 350.1 of the Civil Code are highlighted.
imperative, dispositive, pledge, extrajudicial foreclosure, auction, auction, initial sale price
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D.I. Stepanov The Civil Code and the Demand for Russian Corporate Law (Part One) In connection with the thirtieth anniversary of Part One of the Civil Code
of the Russian Federation, the author of the article proposes to look at the
history of the development of Russian corporate law through the prism of
competition between legal orders. The question is: to what extent has the
Code in its different editions contributed to making Russian corporate
law more convenient and business-oriented or, on the contrary, useless
for its main consumers, that is, merchants? The paper periodises the
creation and further development of Russian corporate law, showing
how it was perceived by the Russian business community and legal
practitioners, and how, at different stages of the Code’s development, it
compared to competing foreign legal orders that offered different legal
structures and jurisdiction for Russian businessmen.
competition of legal orders, regulatory arbitration, corporate law, freedom of contract in corporate law, dispositiveness
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L.Yu. Mikheeva Unresolved Problems of the Personal Rights Institute in Russian Civil Law The article is devoted to the protection of the individual’s nonmaterial
values, the model of personal right, the list of personal rights, transactions with an non-material values, the protection of
constitutional rights through civil law measures, as well as other
issues of the institution of personal rights.
personal rights, non-material values, transactions with an non-material values
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E.V. Gavrilov History, Current State and Prospects of Regulation of Intangible Benefits in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation The article analyses the history, current state and prospects of
regulation of intangible assets in the Civil Code. First, the legislative
history of Part One of the Civil Code (1991–1993) is described in
detail in the context of the reflection in the Civil Code of the norms
on intangible assets, personal non-property rights. Then the author shows what changes were made to the Civil Code regarding intangible
assets, what ideas on this account are laid down in the Concept of
Development of Civil Legislation of the Russian Federation (2009).
Then the author critically evaluates in detail the current state of
regulation of intangible assets specified in Art. 19, Ch. 8 of the Civil
Code. The conclusion describes the prospects for improving the Civil
Code with respect to intangible assets (expansion of civil rights objects
by including personal non-property rights; expansion of Chapter 8 of
the Civil Code by adding new articles; addition of Article 150 of the
Civil Code with provisions on intangible assets and personal nonproperty
rights of legal entities, public-law entities, etc.).
intangible benefits, personal non-property rights, honour, dignity, business reputation
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A.A. Volos Digital Property as a New Category of Private Law: A Critical Analysis of Different Approaches The author has critically analysed various approaches to the question
about digital property as a new category of private law. The author
makes an attempt to predict what theoretical and practical problems
could be solved if we adopted the concept of digital property in the
civil law doctrine. However, his own conclusion is that property
law should be preserved in its classical form. The term ‘property’
should not be applied to digital assets. At the same time, the author
makes points proving the idea that the relationships connected with
different digital assets are absolute legal relationships. In order
to give accurate legal description for such legal relations, it is
necessary to critically evaluate the existing approaches to absolute
and relative legal relations in advance. They should be clarified in
some context.
digital property, digital assets, digital rights, property law, intellectual property law, civil law principles, absolute right, relative right
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P.S. Baryshnikov, E.V. Kotova, D.A. Loginov Legal Nature of Carbon Units as a New Object of Civil Rights Due to the emergence of a new type of asset in the Russian Federation —
carbon units — it is necessary to develop unified approaches to its
qualification from the point of view of the Civil Code of the Russian
Federation. Current legislation and, in particular, the Federal Law of
2 July 2021 № 296-FZ “On limiting greenhouse gas emissions” does
not specify to what type of objects of civil rights they belong. The authors consider the possibility of attributing carbon units, as well
as other objects with a similar legal nature — emission fulfillment units,
to property and property rights. The article analyses the approaches
established in Russia as to determining the legal nature of emission
reduction units, formed in the framework of Article 6 of the Kyoto
Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the
positions of the federal executive authorities.
carbon units, emission reduction units, emission fulfillment units, civil rights objects, Paris Agreement, Kyoto Protocol, limiting greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gases, climate change, global warming
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Legal Chronicle In the January Chronicle you will find comments on the new provisions of the Criminal Code on the
introduction of liability for illegal trafficking of personal data and on the exclusion of the application
of Article 238 to the medical assistance by medical professionals, the draft Order of Roskomnadzor,
requiring to identify user equipment and provide IP-addresses of end users, as well as changes in
legislation aiming at the limitation of liability of developers from 1 January 2025 onwards.
liability of developers, criminal liability, illegal circulation of personal data, medical care, Roskomnadzor, control over access to websites, prohibited Internet resources
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Press Release
Theory and practice
K.N. Shemiakin Pre-emptive Right to Purchase Another Person’s Immovable Property: Comprehension of German Experience in the Construction of a New Type of Right In Rem The domestic science of civil law offers only fragmentary solutions to
certain practical and theoretical issues affecting the pre-emptive rights
in rem. Due to the underdevelopment of real estate turnover in the
domestic legal order, the pre-emptive right to purchase another person’s immovable property in practice turned out to be simply unknown as
a proprietary right, although in the pre-revolutionary Russian doctrine
this institute attracted sufficient attention. Only at the level of doctrine
of pre-revolutionary times, as well as in the draft of the Civil Code
were attempts made to incorporate the newly developed normative
material of the German legal order (in terms of the development of the
Vorkaufsrecht pre-emptive right of purchase) into the domestic civilistic
systematics: in this regard, the right to acquire another’s real estate by
analogy with German law was characterised as a real right. Currently,
the reform of property rights in the Russian legal order involves another
attempt to incorporate the German model of pre-emptive right of
purchase. The purpose of this article is to understand the legal nature
of the German model of pre-emptive right and the extent to which it is
related to the stylistic peculiarities of the German legal order.
right to pre-emption, priority notice, external effect
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V.M. Zaripov How to Choose the VAT Rate under the Simplified Taxation System? Many organisations and individual entrepreneurs using the simplified
taxation system have to learn the procedure for calculating and
paying VAT. Taxpayers have the right to choose the VAT rate to
be applied — standard or simplified. The author gives practical
recommendations on the most optimal choice of the tax rate.
VAT, tax rate, simplified taxation system, tax optimisation
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P.A. Skoblikov Prevention of Nationalist and Extremist Manifestations: A Pilot Study of Judicial Practice of Applying Part 1 of Article 20.3 of the Russian Code of Administrative Offences The article presents and systematises the results of a sample
analysis of the final court rulings issued in cases of administrative
offences consisting in public demonstration or propaganda
of Nazi attributes or symbols, or attributes or symbols similar
to Nazi to the degree of confusion, or attributes or symbols of
extremist organisations, as well as other attributes, symbols,
propaganda or public demonstration of which is prohibited by
federal laws.
Nazi paraphernalia, Nazi symbols, extremist organisation’s paraphernalia, extremist organisation’s symbols, prevention of extremism, countering extremism, Article 20.3 of the Russian Code of Administrative Offences
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G.V. Tsepov At Home among Strangers, a Stranger among His Own, or Autonomous Non-Profit Organisation as a “Non-Profit Limited Liability Company” Although an autonomous non-profit organisation (ANO) formally is
classified by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation as a non-profit
unitary organisation, it is considered in the article as an organisational and
legal form of a legal entity possessing all the necessary characteristics
of a non-profit corporation. To increase the efficiency of the activities of
autonomous non-profit organisations, ensure the stability of civil turnover
and implement the principle of fairness, it is advisable to introduce into
the law a default rule on the proportional relationship between the volume
of management rights of the founders of an autonomous non-profit
organisation and the amount of property contributions made by them,
as well as to legislatively regulate the turnover of these rights (“shares”),
thereby completing the transformation of ANO into a “non-profit limited
liability company”. Pending the amendment of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law on Non-Commercial Organisations
in the absence of special provisions of the law defining the content of
the rights and obligations of the founder of an autonomous non-profit
organisation the provisions of Art. 65.2 of the Civil Code on the rights and
obligations of participants in a corporation should apply by analogy with
the legislation (clause 1 of Article 6 of the Civil Code).
autonomous non-profit organisation, unitary organisation, founder
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