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Март 2023



Chief editor’s column



Interview of the issue


Topic of the issue

B.M. Gongalo Housing law: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
The article deals with the formation and development of the Russian housing law. Its characteristics in various periods of history (Soviet, post-Soviet and today) are given, and certain proposals aimed at the improvement of the legal regulation of housing are made.
Keywords: housing relations, housing law, housing law codification
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N.Yu. Papushina Need in Housing: The View of Judicial Practice
The article touches upon the issue of determining the need in housing as a legal fact that forms the basis of the legal relationship of renting residential premises of the state and municipal housing stock. Based on the analysis of judicial practice, the author comes to the conclusion that the need in housing is understood as a legal fact — a condition that includes two objectively existing criteria: the safety of living (habitability) and the presence/absence of residential premises in indefinite use. At the same time, the article defends the view that the housing need is elastic, since it can either accumulate or decrease over time.
Keywords: social hiring, housing need, judicial practice, office premises, housing stock, habitability
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N.B. Kosareva Housing Guarantees in the Implementation of the Residential Areas Redevelopment Projects
The article is devoted to the issues of legislative regulation of housing provision for citizens resettled from their residential premises in the territories of redevelopment. The main problems are analysed and proposals are made to increase housing guarantees for citizens relocated from dilapidated and unsettled homes in order to increase their interest in participating in such projects.
Keywords: redevelopment of territories, housing, housing guarantees, emergency apartment buildings, dilapidated or without utilities infrastructure apartment buildings, dilapidated and without utilities infrastructure low-density residential buildings
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S.Yu. Chashkova Residential Premises as an Object of Transactions Regulating Property Relations of Spouses in the Light of Changes in Housing Legislation
In this article, the author has attempted to analyse the content of the prohibition introduced in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation on the commission of actions entailing the occurrence of shares in the right to residential premises as common property of spouses in the amount of less than six square meters. As a result, the author came to the conclusion that this prohibition is uncertain and cannot be applied in accordance with its literal meaning.
Keywords: residential premises as common property of spouses; marriage contract, agreement on the division of common property of spouses; joint will, inheritance contract; prohibition on the occurrence of shares in the right to residential premises of spouses
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D.A. Formakidov Typology of Decisions of Meetings of Participants in Housing Relations
The article considers the currently existing types of meetings of participants in housing relations. The legal nature and correlation between the decisions of the general meetings of the owners of the premises of an apartment building, shareholders of housing cooperatives, members of the homeowners’ association are determined. The legal uncertainty in the considered issues is revealed and ways to improve the current legislation are proposed. In particular, it is concluded that the substitution of general meetings of owners by general meetings of shareholders or members of the homeowners’ association is impossible. It contradicts the very nature of these meetings.
Keywords: resolution of the meeting, homeowners’ association, housing cooperative
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A.A. Gromov The Legal Status of the Lessee and the Tenant of the Residential Premises: Comparative Analysis
In this article, an attempt is made to compare the scope of rights granted by Chapter 35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to the lessee under a commercial lease agreement with the rights enjoyed by the tenant in accordance with the general provisions of Chapter 34 of the Civil Code on lease.
Keywords: commercial rental of housing, rent, protection of tenant’s rights
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S.I. Suslovа Commercial Renting Living Accommodation That Are in Public Ownership
The article estimates the legitimacy of the practice of transferring residential premises that are publicly owned under a Commercial Renting Living Accommodation. It is demonstrated that the sufficiently convincing arguments expressed against the application of this agreement are not supported by judicial practice. The confusion of contractual structures in the provision of residential premises from public ownership is illustrated, which is caused by the poor quality of regional and local regulation. The conclusion is made about the inadmissibility of using exclusively the tools of civil legislation when providing residential premises in public ownership under a commercial renting living accommodation. The ideas on which the federal legislative regulation in the field of provision of residential premises belonging to a public owner should be based are formulated.
Keywords: residential premises, lease agreement, commercial renting living accommodation, commercial use housing stock
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M.V. Bando The Limits of the Right of Ownership of Residential Premises and the Possibility of Concluding Contracts for Short-Term Rent of Residential Premises
The article analyses certain restrictions on the right of ownership of residential premises and the validity of their enshrining in the current law. As for the prohibition on the placement of industrial productions its “absorption” by the mentioned general prohibition is argued. The prohibition on missionary activity in residential premises is characterised as a prohibition without any legal content related to housing, which is confirmed by the analysis of law enforcement practice. The prohibition on the accommodation of hotels and the prohibition on the provision of hotel services using residential premises are distingushed. The hotel accommodation prohibition is more definite, in relation to it the clear enough criteria in judicial practice are formulated. In this work these criteria are presented in a generalised form. At the same time this prohibition did not require a separate fixation in the law, because it is covered by the general prohibition on the use of residential premises not for their intended purpose, which is confirmed by the analysis of judicial practice that existed before the inclusion of this prohibition in the text of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. As for the prohibition on the use of premises for the provision of hotel services the lack of legal certainty of the content of this prohibition is stated. Generalisation of the criteria for distinguishing hotel services from short-term rent of residential premises, developed by judicial practice, has shown that these criteria either do not relate to the problem, and indicate other violations of housing rights, or are extremely controversial.
Keywords: ownership of residential premises; use of residential premises for their intended purpose; ban on the location of industrial plants; ban on missionary activities in residential premises
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Discussion Board

Overview of the “Social Networks and Civil Law” Round Table
On 20 January 2023, the Department of Private Law of the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics held a round table on the topic “Social networks and civil law”. The round table was moderated by A.A. Ivanov, Academic Supervisor of the HSE Faculty of Law, tenured professor, retired Chairman of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court of the Russian Federation, and organised by T.S. Yatsenko, Head of the Department of Private Law, Doctor of Law, Professor, and M.A. Volchansky, Deputy Head of the Department of Private Law, Candidate of Legal Sciences. Leading Russian experts on civil law took part in the discussion. Abstracts of their reports are presented in this review.
Keywords: social network, cyberbullying, right to an account, intellectual property, database, collective rights
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V.A. Belov, O.Yu. Skvortsov Justice vs Freedom = Law: Antagonistic Contradiction and Its Solution (Part 2)
The article represents the author’s conception of the correlation between the idea of justice and the idea of freedom as a contradictory unity of two ideals that move social life. When analysing numerous manifestations of the antagonism between justice and freedom, the authors come to the paradoxical conclusion that law is born out of the conflict of freedom and justice. Leaving the actions of its subjects free, the law protects their results only if they are fair. The task of humanity is not to achieve this or that goal — to become «completely free» or to comprehend «higher justice»: it may approach both to a greater or lesser extent, but it cannot achieve either. But this is not necessary — it is enough to move along this path, because it already subordinates people’s lives to certain laws and thereby optimises it. In this (second) part, the authors show how their concept affects the key patterns and conclusions of private law in general and civil law in particular.
Keywords: justice, freedom, law, contradiction of justice and freedom, competition of justice and freedom, private law, dualism of private law, absolute and relative legal forms, civil rights and freedoms, lex mercatoria
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R.M. Yankovskiy Is Artificial Intelligence Capable of Writing a Law Journal Article?
In this article, we explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI), in particular, ChatGPT based in GPT 4.0 model, to create articles in the field of legal studies. We analyze the pros and cons of employing AI in jurisprudence, specifically focusing on its capacity to adapt to intricate legal terminology, evolving legislation, and nuanced argumentation. The primary emphasis is placed on potential inaccuracies that may emerge in AI-generated text, as well as the underlying causes and subsequent ramifications. Furthermore, we discuss the copyright implications for works created via AI and propose possible solutions. In conclusion, we outline the current limitations and future prospects for leveraging AI in both legal practice and scholarly research. A substantial portion of the article is entirely generated by AI.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, jurisprudence, copyright, text generation, legal terminology, legal changes, legal arguments, AI errors, context, authorship
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Legal Chronicle
In the March chronicle, its authors comment on some notable legal events in the field of international law (suspension of Russia’s participation in Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms) and tax law (the introduction of a one-time tax on excess income for a number of companies), important changes in the law on education, and also analyse how the law can help cope with everyday life problems caused by current changes in the economic situation.
Keywords: Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, tax on excess income, income tax, legal education, unlimited plan, escrow account, insurance
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Press Release


Theory and practice

A.A. Esmanskiy Claims Subordination of Debtor Controlling Persons Based on Crisis Financing: Political and Legal Goals And Current Problems
The article is devoted to such a basis for the subordination of the claims of a controlling person as financing a debtor in a state of financial distress. After analysing the main approaches to substantiating the need for subordination of claims based on crisis financing, the author comes to conclusion that the main political and legal goal of subordination is to compensate for the insufficiency of the company’s capital and, as a result, to increase the level of satisfaction of the claims of external creditors or increase chances of approval of a restructuring plan. Considering the criteria for a financial distress used in judicial practice, the author concludes that courts do not have a unified algorithm for assessing the debtor’s financial state at the time of financing and proposes to establish a presumption of a financial distress if the market value of the debtor’s net assets is lower than the registered capital or is negative.
Keywords: subordination of shareholder’s claims, crisis financing, insiders, persons in control of the debtor, financial distress
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E.S. Krestyantseva Disputes on Determining the Amount of Rent for the Use of a State Land Plot as a Consequence of Concluding a Lease Agreement by an Unauthorised Public Subject
The article deals with the consequences of concluding a lease agreement for a state-owned land plot by an unauthorised person, including the issue of the agreement validity, establishing the correct amount of rent, recalculating rent for the previous period of use, and the relationship between public entities regarding the paid rent. In this situation, civil law relations are complicated by a public element. Considering this, the analysis is given taking into account the principles for determining the rent for state-owned land plots, as well as reductions of payment and other regulations that restricts the right of the parties to independently determine the amount of rent. Some procedural aspects and difficulties of settlement of such disputes are also considered.
Keywords: rent, land plot, state property, rental payments
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Foreign experience

V.S. Novikov Trusts under Civil Law Jurisdictions: Current Legislative Framework, Legal Doctrine and Case Law
As of today, some civil law jurisdictions have adopted domestic trust legislation acknowledging a trust as a form of ownership. Several civil law jurisdictions have recognised foreign trusts in recent years as a regulatory and tax matter, in order to find and document the offshore assets of their taxpayers and other jurisdictions have adopted the Hague Trust Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on Their Recognition 1985, simplifying the construction and recognition of foreign trusts, because the Convention imports specific conflict of law provisions into the law of the countries that have adopted it. In the other civil law jurisdictions that have not adopted the Trust Convention, the election of law made by the settlor will generally be recognised if their laws authorise an election. Notwithstanding the fact that an election of a foreign law or a foreign forum is made in the trust deed, the court is going to turn to its domestic laws and among other things to its own conflict of law provisions to determine the validity of the election made. The construction and recognition of foreign trusts will rely uniquely on case law in a jurisdiction where there is no conflict of law provisions for trusts. In all civil law jurisdictions transfers in trust are generally void to the extent they deprive an heir of her forced share or a spouse of her share in a community property, if the trust violates rule against perpetuities or any other mandatory provision of domestic legislation. In light of the aforementioned, the aim of the article is to show that сivil law jurisdictions search for new ways to afford the benefit of trusts in a variety of settings.
Keywords: fiduciary property, trust, limited rights in rem, matrimonial property regime, succession, law of contracts, taxation of foreign trusts, bankruptcy, asset securitization, private international law
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