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Февраль 2025
Chief editor’s column
Interview of the issue
Topic of the issue
L.V. Golovko Methodology of Collecting the Evidence in Criminal Procedure: Static Effect in Dynamic Perspective Two crucial methodological foundations of using the evidence
remain underestimated in criminal procedure theory. These are,
firstly, static effect and, secondly, dynamic perspective of proving in
criminal cases. However, without them we cannot adequately address
problems of electronic evidence and electronic criminal case that are
actively discussed in the doctrine of criminal procedure and cause
numerous disputes. Correct understanding of the methodology of
criminal procedural proof makes these problems appear far-fetched.
criminal procedure, evidence, static effect, dynamic perspective, electronic evidence, electronic criminal file
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M.L. Galperin Are Cocks Animals? ‘Presumptions’ and Facts of ‘Common Knowledge’ in Cases Involving Sanctioned Persons The article analyses in detail the judicial practice that has been
forming since the end of 2021 on the application of Article 248.1
of the Arbitrazh Procedure Code of the Russian Federation in
disputes between sanctioned Russian persons and companies from
‘unfriendly’ jurisdictions in the view of the classical doctrines of law of evidence. The author concludes that modern approaches of
Russian courts to proving in these cases, despite the fact that they
are in line with the general policy of supporting domestic business,
are difficult to describe in procedural terms known to jurisprudence.
Such an observation makes suspect that we are facing an attempt
to solve a problem with procedural tools, which is actually remotely
related to evidence, but lies in the plane of substantive law, in the
sphere of regulating economic (non-procedural) relations with
‘unfriendly’ foreigners.
sanctions, jurisdiction, evidence, fact of common knowledge, presumption, retorsions
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I.V. Reshetnikova Modern Trends in the Development of Evidence in Arbitrazh, Civil and Administrative Procedural Law Despite the fact that the problems of evidence in civil, arbitrazh, and
administrative proceedings have been studied for a long time, many
controversial issues remain, which increase due to the development
of objective processes in society (digitalisation, etc.). The article
reveals some modern trends in the development of evidence in the
identified three branches of procedural law. The author dwells on the
activation of the court in obtaining evidence from open information
sources, on the role of the court in the development of evidence
through the formation of the concept of the standard of evidence,
indirect presumptions, and the process of digitalisation of legal
proceedings, areas of application of artificial intelligence in legal
proceedings are considered.
evidence, collection of evidence, open information sources, digitalisation of legal proceedings and evidence, standard of proof, indirect presumptions, the role of the court and civil procedure research in the development of the theory of evidence
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V.A. Savinykh Credibility and Truth in Market Value Estimation The article deals with the position of the Supreme Court of the
Russian Federation, according to which the results of auctions more
reliably reflect the market value than expert estimates. Starting from
the fact that the reliability of expert assessment of market value is
detached from comparison with objective reality, the author criticises the approach of the Supreme Court, proving that expert assessment
is the only admissible evidence of market value, even in conditions
of interval nature of assessments.
market value, reliability, valuation, auction, market price
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S.G. Konovalov Assisting the Defendant in Unlocking His Smartphone: Is Coercion Permissible? The author of the article discusses whether an investigator in the
interests of evidence has the right to demand from the accused
to help him unlock his smartphone. The main attention is paid
to the conceptual dimension of the problem. Possible forms of
coercion: requesting a password, demanding unlocking, using
biometrics, are examined in the light of the rule of nemo tenetur
(the right not to testify against oneself). The scope of this rule
and the possibility of exceptions, the problem of its mandatory
clarification and the consequences of violations are considered.
At the end of the article the practical complexity of the raised
issue is revealed, its connection with the criminal procedural
policy of the State is demonstrated, and an assumption is
made about a possible vector of its solution. Turning to foreign
law, the author takes into account the experience of the USA
and Germany as bright representatives of different models of
criminal procedure.
mobile phone, smartphone, unlocking, password, criminal procedure, privilege against self-incrimination, nemo tenetur
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D.Yu. Zatonova On the Issue of Sanction for the Evasion of the Party to the Case from Presenting the Evidence Requested by the Court The article substantiates the need to apply a procedural sanction in the
form of the application of the presumption of recognition to the party of the case that evades the provision of evidence requested by the
court, i.e., the application by analogy of Part 3 of Article 79 of the
Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation to cases of nonpresentation
of written and material evidence. A sanction in the form
of a presumption of recognition can only be applied if the court is
highly likely convinced that the party has the required evidence, but
refuses to provide it without good reason. The application of property
sanctions to persons involved in the case who evade the presentation
of evidence requested by the court is ineffective.
presumption of recognition, sanction, demand for evidence, adversarial principle, redistribution of the burden of proof
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P.A. Larionov Witness Testimony Based on Hearsay in Russian Criminal Procedure: Issues, Solutions and Future Perspectives The lack of fundamental developments at both the legislative and
doctrinal levels in the field of hearsay evidence leads to several issues
that undermine both the private interest of the accused in protection
against unfounded accusations and the public interest of society
and the state in establishing an effective criminal justice system.
These issues are most acute when the defense attempts to adjust
the evidentiary base by excluding such evidence as inadmissible.
Among the latter, the assessment of hearsay evidence presents
the greatest difficulties due to legislative imprecision. An analysis
of relevant case law has not only confirmed the hypothesis of the
problematic approach to evaluating such evidence but also allowed
for the formulation of proposals for extralegislative adjustments to
the law enforcement course.
evidence, inadmissible evidence, witness testimony, hearsay, criminal procedure
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Legal Chronicle In February’s Legal Chronicle, experts comment on the December ruling of the Plenum of
the Supreme Court on the application of the rules of the Criminal Procedure Code governing
the grounds and procedure for returning a criminal case to the prosecutor, amendments to the law
on the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals, the Constitutional Court’s ruling on the Sochi
dachas case, which addressed issues of land ownership, as well as novelties on the taxation of
cryptocurrency and mining in Russia.
return of the criminal case to the prosecutor, citizens’ appeals, Constitutional Court, land ownership, seizure of land plots, recognition of the right as absent, taxation of cryptocurrency, mining
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Theory and practice
D.I. Stepanov The Civil Code and the Demand for Russian Corporate Law (Part Two) The paper examines how Russian Civil Code, which celebrates
its 30-year anniversary in 2025, affected Russian corporate law’s
ability to compete with foreign jurisdictions to attract businesses.
From Charles Thibou’s 1956 seminal work perspective on regulatory
competition the author of this paper argues that Russian Civil Code
has had its ups and downs in terms of attractiveness of Russian
corporate law. The paper shows that for the first 20 years of the Code
since it has been enacted, Russian Civil Code contributed a lot in
moving Russian businesses out of Russia, mostly under the English
law jurisdiction. However, the fundamental legal reform of the Code
commenced in 2012–2015 dramatically changed the state of affairs:
more and more Russian businesses have started to employ Russian
substantive law, including corporate law, to structure commercial
deals. This process of moving back to Mother Russia was fueled
by introduction of a new piece of legislation in 2018, which allowed a re-domiciliation of foreign companies into Russia, and finally by
a new legislation of 2021 that effectively incorporated in the Civil
Code functional analogues of trusts under Russian law. The paper
concludes by set of legal reform proposals aimed to further enhance
Russian corporate law and to make it even more competitive and
Russian corporate law, regulatory competition, corporate law reform in Russia, enabling statute in corporate law, Russian Civil Code
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A.E. Gadzhiev Transactions with Special Approval Procedure Stipulated by the Charter of a Business Entity: Enforcement Issues The article analyses the transactions with special approval procedure
stipulated by the charter of a business entity in corporate law of
Russia. The subject of proof in disputes challenging transactions
conducted in violation of the sole executive body’s authority
limitations, established by the corporation’s charter, is examined.
It has been established that the failure to prove the counterparty’s
awareness of the restrictions set forth in the company’s charter
is the main reason for the dismissal of claims. Factors that make
it difficult to establish awareness and typical mistakes made by
courts in resolving such cases have been identified. Against this
background, there is a tendency to reduce the number of claims for
invalidation of these transactions.
To resolve law enforcement problems, the necessity of
institutionalisation of the principle of public limitation of powers
of corporate management bodies, providing for the opposition of
statutory restrictions to third parties when they are entered into
the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL), has been
substantiated. The implementation of this principle and the proposed
measures to improve the legislation will narrow the scope of the
principles of public trustworthiness of the register and abstraction,
which limit the potential for statutory extraordinariness. The
proposed reform will enhance the protection and safeguarding of
corporations, ensure consideration of their individual interests,
increase the stability of civil turnover, and improve the attractiveness
of the Russian jurisdiction.
charter of the company, corporate approval of transactions, invalidity of transactions, the principle of public trustworthiness of the register, principle of public limitation of powers
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E.A. Ostanina Health Care Orders in Legislation, Doctrine and Notarial Practice as a Means of Protecting the Autonomy of Will of a Person The article analyses the institute of sickness orders. It is concluded
that domestic law does not know such an institute; the tasks that
in German law are solved by sickness orders, in our country are
partly solved by the contract of trust management of property, and
partly remain unresolved. The author shows that sickness orders
could protect the non-property and property interests of a citizen.
The article defines a model of possible regulation of orders in case of
illness, proposes their notarial form and register, concludes that the
scope of powers of the representative will have significant similarity
with the powers of the legal representative.
sickness order, guardianship, patronage, power of attorney, authority, informed voluntary consent to medical care
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P.R. Kvashnin The Westwalk Case and Topical Issues of Cross-Border Insolvency in Russia The article analyses the relevance and challenges of cross-border
insolvency in Russia. The author emphasises the impact of foreign
approaches to the regulation of cross-border insolvency on Russian
case law. The research focuses on identifying general trends and issues,
given the limited number of examples from Russian case law.
The author examines key aspects such as the concept of the centre of
main interests (COMI) and the interaction between main and secondary
proceedings. The author compares some conclusions made by the Supreme
Court of the Russian Federation in the Westwalk case with international
approaches. This case serves as an important reference point
for illustrating existing problems and forecasting future legal practice in
cross-border insolvency cases within the Russian legal system.
Contemporary Russian law is characterised by the absence of legislative
regulation concerning cross-border insolvency. Nevertheless,
Russian courts hear insolvency cases involving foreign individuals
and, more recently, legal entities. In making decisions on these
cases, they refer to the UNCITRAL Model Law and Regulation (EU)
No. 2015/848 of May 20, 2015.
In conclusion, the author suggests to implement the UNCITRAL
Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency or conclude an international
treaty on cross-border insolvency with CIS and EAEU States, with
which the Russian Federation has established close economic ties.
centre of main interests of the debtor, cross-border insolvency, main proceedings, secondary proceedings, protocol
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A.A. Kostin Forwarding Court Judgments and Arbitral Awards by Way of Legal Assistance for the Purpose of Their Enforcement in a Foreign State The article addresses the provisions of international treaties, according
to which the recoverer should send the request for enforcement of a
court judgment abroad to the court that rendered the judgment in
the first instance, and not to the court of the state of the debtor’s
location (i.e. a foreign court). The literal interpretation of these norms
shows that the recoverer has no possibility to send the request to
a foreign court directly, bypassing the forwarding of the judgment
by way of legal assistance (except in cases where the recoverer has
residence or location in the state of enforcement of the judgment).
In the author’s opinion, such an interpretation contradicts to the
purpose of the relevant treaties — to ensure access to the courts
of the contracting countries. Therefore, if the national legislation
establishes a more favourable legal regime, it should be applied.
international legal assistance, recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments
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P.V. Krasheninnikov Murder Instead of a Duel We present to the reader an excerpt from P.V. Krasheninnikov’s
book ‘The State against the Revolution, 1923–1938’. The published
essay is devoted to the discussion of what is right, which was
conducted by legal scholars in the period considered in the book.
Deadly dangerous for E.B. Pashukanis was the inconsistency of his
view of law with that of A.Ya. Vyshinsky.
philisophies of law, E.B. Pashukanis, A.Y. Vyshinsky, proletarian law, law of catastrophes
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