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Июль 2021



Chief editor’s column



Interview of the issue


The Event. Comments of the Experts

Mandatory Vaccination: Legality and Legal Risks
Comments by D. Dedov, A. Dzhagaryan, D. Kuznetsov, D. Kasiev, D. Arkhipov, N. Kovtunenko, M. Appak, A. Myrsina
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Topic of the issue

L.V. Golovko The Institution of “Overall” Cassation in Criminal Proceedings: A Positive Innovation or Another Deformation?
The emergence of so-called “overall” cassation in Russian criminal procedure is one of the key procedural innovations accompanying the creation of appellate and cassation courts of general jurisdiction in Russia. However, this innovation does not take into account some classical procedural axioms, which immediately led to serious technical problems. The legislator tried to solve these problems at least partly by Federal Law No. 15-FZ of 24 February 2021 but it is not certain that he chose the right strategy for realising the freedom of appeal in cassation review of criminal sentences, which would also takes into account the historical and comparative differences in approach between criminal and civil law proceedings. What should this strategy be?
Keywords: criminal procedure, “overall” cassation, entry of judgment into legal force, freedom of appeal, term of cassation appeal
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E.V. Kudryavtseva The Right to Appeal in Russian Civil Proceedings — Unconditional or With Barriers?
The article analyses the right to appeal, granted primarily to persons participating in the case, and examines whether this right can be considered unconditional or has certain barriers. Whether this is correct in relation to the higher courts, taking into account the goals and objectives that they facе? How did the reform of the civil procedure legislation in 2018 affect appeals against court decisions?
Keywords: appeal, cassation appeal, supervisory proceedings, petition, right to appeal
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V.M. Zhuikov Nadzor Proceedings in Civil Process
The article analyses in historical and theoretical aspects of the socalled nadzor proceedings — from its creation in Soviet times to the present time. The reformatory changes of these proceedings and the problems that arose with them are investigated. The conclusion is made that it needs to be substantially changed.
Keywords: nadzor, exceptionality of proceedings, unity of judicial practice and legality
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I.V. Reshetnikova The Right to a Competent Court: Formation of the Composition of the Court, Jurisdiction of the Case
The right to a competent court is interrelated with the issues of jurisdiction as well as with the grounds for cancellation of judicial acts in the appeal and cassation procedure. The article shows the history of this issue at the level of judicial acts of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Arbitrazh Court and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, as well as the modern law enforcement approach, including the competition between different kinds of jurisdiction. The issues of the formation of the judicial composition for the consideration of the case, as well as the replacement of the judge and the interchangeability of judges were discussed. An attempt is made to analyse the difference between preclusion and estoppel through the prism of jurisdiction.
Keywords: jurisdiction, replacement of a judge, interchangeability of judges, estoppel, precluse, grounds for cancellation of the judicial act, competition of types of jurisdiction
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A.V. Ilyin Violation of the Principles of Equality and Competition as a Basis for the Cancellation of Judicial Acts of Arbitrarion Courts on Appeal
The article examines the question of whether such violations of the rules of procedural law by the arbitrazh courts of the first and appellate instance, which together can be designated as a violation of the principles of adversariality and equality of the parties (an illegal ban on a party to provide evidence, an illegal refusal to assist in reclaiming evidence that is missing from a party failure to provide a party with the opportunity to familiarise itself with the evidence of the other party in a timely manner, acceptance of evidence in violation of the law, while prohibiting the other party to provide evidence to the contrary), may serve as grounds for reversal of judicial acts in the arbitrazh cassation court. The analysis is carried out on the basis of comparing the limits of the consideration of the case, the powers of the court, as well as the grounds for reversing or changing judicial acts in cassation. A special attention is given to the classic problem of cassation proceedings: the review by the cassation court of the discrepancy between the conclusions contained in the contested judicial acts and the factual findings or the evidence available in the case at hand.
Keywords: cassation proceedings, the scope of consideration of the case in the cassation instance, the powers of the arbitration court of the cassation instance, proof, the principle of equality, the principle of adversariality
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Discussion Board

S.V. Musarskii On the Falsity of Classifying One’s Exercise of His Subjective Rights in Contradiction with Their Purpose (Goal) as an Abuse of Right
Determination of the legal essence of the abuse of the right prohibited by Art. 10 of the Civil Code is perhaps the most difficult and controversial issue of civil law. One opinion on the issue, quite widespread in judicial practice, runs as follows: this phenomenon means the exercise of subjective right in contradiction with its purpose (goal). This idea, which came to us from the French legal doctrine, received official recognition with the adoption in 1922 of the first Soviet Civil Code and throughout the history of Soviet civil law was the main explanation of the essence of the abuse of the right. These deeply rooted traditions of Soviet law can explain the fact that despite the radical change in the legal order and legislation in Russia after 1991, this point of view continues to be the main explanation for the problem of abuse of the right for many Russian lawyers. Meanwhile, it does not correspond to the basic principles of private civil law and current legislative regulation.
Keywords: abuse of the right, Josserand, Dugi, Article 10 of the Civil Code, judicial discretion, assignment of subjective rights
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A.P. Yevseev At the Hour of an Unprecedentedly Hot Sunset
Mandatory Vaccination — Extension of the List of Foreign Agents — Ruling of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Fedotovа and Others v. Russia — Interstate complaint by Russia against Ukraine before the European Court
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Press Release


Theory and practice

D.B. Volodarskiy, I.N. Kashkarova On the Issue of the Estoppel Doctrine Implementation: Procedural Aspects (Part 1)
This article is one in the set of publications about the different types of procedural estoppels used in the Russian judicial practice. The main goal was the estimation of the positive potential, which the doctrine of estoppel might have for the development of the Russian Law of Civil Procedure. In the present research two subjects were scrutinised: the correlation between procedural estoppels and the principle of good-faith and the use of estoppel instruments against the late presentation of procedural materials before the court. In the first part of the article authors draw a conclusion that procedural estoppel, taken as a whole, should be deemed as an instrument, by which the corrective function of the good-faith principle operates. This instrument helps to soften the strict operation of the procedural law, where it contradicts the aim to organize the execution of justice in the rational and most effective way.
Keywords: formalism, good-faith in civil procedure, procedural estoppel
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A.P. Sergeev The Principle of Seniority When Confusingly Similar Means of Individualisation Belong to Different Persons
The article analyses the principle of seniority enshrined in para. 6 of Art. 1252 of the Russian Civil Code, which allows to resolve conflicts in case of collision between the means of individualisation which are identical or similar to the extent of confusion. The author draws attention to the problems connected with its application and makes suggestions for the improvement of the current legislation. In particular, he examines such problems as the statute of limitations for the protection of rights to means of individualisation, as well as the existence of consent to the use of a junior means of individualisation.
Keywords: seniority principle, means of individualisation, statute of limitations, consent to registration (use)
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A.V. Basharin On the Possibility of Regarding the Costs Incurred for Compensatory Landscaping as Replacement Cost
This article considers the permissibility of accounting for costs spent on compensatory landscaping when paying the replacement cost for the destruction of such green spaces. The author concludes that it is necessary to extend the norms of environmental legislation to cases of protection and reproduction of green spaces growing on the lands of settlements. The author notes the existing shortcomings of their qualifications as forms of compensation for environmental damage. In conclusion, the article gives a number of proposals to improve the current legislation.
Keywords: green spaces, replacement cost, compensatory landscaping, cutting license
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Zh.G. Popkova One-Time Tax on Privatisation Results: Prospects for Introduction in Russia
The paper analyses publicly available information on one-off wealth taxes on the results of “unfair privatisation” (English windfall tax, Serbian “tax on easy profits”, etc.) in order to determine the possible prospects for the introduction of such taxation in Russia in the context of another financial crisis, COVID 19 pandemic and falling oil prices. It is concluded that no such tax is likely to be introduced in Russia in the near future, although this does not mean that there will not be attempts to introduce its counterparts on individuals who are in no way connected with the results of privatisation. The author singles out several essential factors which prevent the introduction of a one-off tax on the results of privatisation: (1) as a rule, in foreign jurisdictions the new authorities would impose this tax on those who, in their opinion, received unfair advantages under the previous authorities; (2) the presence or absence of any new tax on business does not increase the respect of the Russian common people for business or legitimise the property that is owned by business in any way; (3) the introduction of a compensation tax would substantially violate a number of provisions of the Russian Constitution.
Keywords: tax, windfall tax, retroactivity, justice, compensation, privatisation, actual turnover of power, tax elements, tax policy
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Foreign experience

A.G. Kotelnikov Appeal Mechanisms in Common Law Countries (the Examples of England and the British Virgin Islands)
This article undertakes a comparative analysis of appeal mechanisms, grounds for review and the powers of an appeal court in England and the British Virgin Islands. The author examines the approach in these jurisdictions whereby the main criterion of competence to hear an appeal is the hierarchy of judges and not of the courts. Considering the appeal mechanisms in civil and administrative cases, the article notes a tendency towards an emergence of new hybrid forms of appeal against the decisions of courts and tribunals, as well as a gradual decrease in the opportunities to appeal afforded to the parties.
Keywords: appeal, judicial review, England, British Virgin Islands, judicial system, tribunals
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