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Сентябрь 2016




Chief editor’s column


Interview of the issue


The Event. Comments of the Experts


Topic of the issue

B.R. Karabel’nikov Arbitration Reform in Russia and Questions Arising from It
The Russian arbitration reform of 2015 is a radical deviation from the international standards of legislation on international commercial arbitration, it will cause numerous problems for users of arbitration in Russia. Poor legal technique of the Russian lawmakers raises many questions which have no clear answers. Promised improvements of law are in fact overridden by tightening of the state control. Accordingly, those few international matters which were still arbitrated in Russia prior to that reform have to be moved for consideration of foreign arbitration institutions.
Keywords: arbitrability, corporate disputes, “in-pocket” arbitration, the UNCITRAL Model Law, international commercial arbitration
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A.I. Muranov Choice of Law Applicable to the Arbitration: Certain Topical Issues of Conflict of Law in Light of the Arbitration Reform
The paper deals with five issues of choice of law in the arbitration sphere, which are to be distinguished from the classical question of the determination of the applicable statute by arbitral tribunal in the context of international private law. These five issues are called forth by new Russian regulations on arbitration that entered into force on September 1, 2016.
Keywords: arbitration reform, ICAC at the RF CCI, intertemporal conflicts of laws, hierarchical conflicts of laws, interdisciplinary conflicts of laws, territoriality, extraterritoriality
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A.A. Gorlenko, Yu.N. Mullina Legal Regulation of Arbitration Agreements according to the New Legislation on Arbitration Proceedings in the Russian Federation
The authors analyse the provisions of the law on arbitration (arbitration proceedings) in the Russian Federation, that has come into force on September 1, 2016, and compare the new legal framework for the arbitration agreements with the one that was effective before. The authors research the new institute of direct (special) agreements that can be concluded in regard of the number of issues of the arbitration proceedings only by including such condition into the arbitration agreement (or by concluding them as a separate agreement). The paper also includes the analysis of the new provisions of the procedural law on the possibility to conclude the prorogation agreement in regard of the annulment and enforcement of the arbitral award.
Keywords: arbitration agreements, arbitration clauses, direct (special) agreements, arbitration, arbitration proceedings, arbitration reform
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R.N. Butenko Adjudication as a Dispute Resolution Mechanism
The paper is designated to adjudication as a dispute resolution mechanism which is relatively new and understudied, although widespread in the foreign dispute resolution practice. The author compares and analyses the history of development and the main characteristics of statutory and contractual adjudication procedures. The author also answers the question of whether or not the unification of the said procedures under one dispute resolution mechanism is justified and formulates a definition of adjudication as a dispute resolution mechanism, and those of statutory and contractual adjudication procedures.
Keywords: adjudication, Dispute Boards, Dispute Adjudication Boards, alternative dispute resolution, ADR, construction disputes
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Press Release



Discussion Board

A.P. Sergeev The Right of Prior Use of Soviet Brands: Pro et Contra
The paper deals with problems arising from the use of Soviet brands, the rights to which are monopolised by certain market players. The author critically assesses doctrinal arguments against establishing the right of prior use of these brands.
Keywords: Soviet copyrights, Soviet brands, prior use, permitted use, unfair competition
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V.L. Volfson Post-SAC: the Freedom of Contract Doctrine in the Modern Court Practice in Russia
The paper deals with the current issues of freedom of contract, a fundamental private-law doctrine, which were brought into focus by the Plenary Ruling of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court No. 16 “On the Freedom of Contract and its Limitations”. The author argues that the Supreme Arbitrazh Court (SAC) view on the administration of this doctrine, as presented in the Ruling, is poorly compatible with certain basic concepts of private-law legislature and legal text interpretation, as well as with the theory of separation of powers. This will cause a traumatic effect on sustainability of individual rights of a less powerful party, e.g. those of the customer.
Keywords: freedom of contract, principles of civil law, sustainability of individual rights, abuse of rights, principle of permissibility, optionality, interpretation of legal text, customer rights
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Theory and practice

I.V. Reshetnikova Novelties in the Legal Regulation of Summary and Writ Proceedings in Arbitrazh Procedure
The author analyses the most complicated problems of the application of new procedural rules on summary and writ proceedings in Russian arbitrazh courts.
Keywords: writ, summary proceedings, arbitrazh procedure


V.V. Kilinkarov New Law on Public-Private Partnerships in Russia: History of Adoption and Application Prospects
Federal law No. 224-FZ “On State-Private Partnership, Municipal-Private Partnership in the Russian Federation…” adopted on 13 July, 2015 became the second Russian law on public-private partnerships. The author of this paper, as one of the main authors of the Model law “On publicprivate partnerships” for CIS member states, has partly assisted the working group of the State Duma in drafting the new Russian PPP law and now undertakes an analytic review of the history of this law, reveals the key problems of its developing, analyses the concept of the law, its advantages and disadvantages, and makes his conclusions with regard to the prospects of using this regulative act for the development of the Russian infrastructure.
Keywords: public-private partnership (PPP), state-private partnership (SPP), municipal-private partnership (MPP), concession agreement, PPP agreement, concession
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A.S. Vorozhevich Secondary Patents on Drugs: Is It Necessary to Restrict Their Granting?
The paper deals with the practice of acquisition of secondary patents on drugs. Such practices are bound with unfair strategies of large pharma companies, which are targeted for the prolongation of their command over the market of a high-demand drug. The author assesses the practicability of proposals to exclude secondary inventions from the sphere of patent protection, indicating at the same time the other legal arrangements, which can maintain generics’ production.
Keywords: secondary patents, patent evergreening, pharmaceutical drugs, active ingredient, generic drugs
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A.V. Mil’kov On the Issue of Characteristics of Civil Liability
The paper provides a critical analysis of the doctrinal position, which states that the civil liability is a liability of one subject of civil law to another, which bases only on the violation of subjective civil rights and aims solely at the restoration of a violated subjective right, whereas the connection between the civil offence and public interest is negated.
Keywords: legal liability, civil liability, objective of civil liability, cause for civil liability, confiscatory sanctions, protection of civil rights
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E.N. Krylov Jury Trial in Post-Soviet Criminal Process: Variations of Development
The paper deals with the issues of jury trial development in the former states of the Soviet Union and recent reform of jury trial in Russia. The author classifies the post-Soviet states into three groups: these are the countries (1) with the classical model of jury trial, (2) with the hybrid model of jury trial, and (3) without jury trial. The author arrives at the conclusion that Russia is the sole post-Soviet state that adopted the classic model of jury trial. The role of jury trial in criminal justice can not be overestimated, since jury trial is applied to the minimum number of criminal cases. Reform of jury trial in Russia is well-balanced and creates the opportunity to expand the real citizen participation in administration of justice at the expense of the institute of lay assessors.
Keywords: justice, citizen participation in administration of justice, jury trial, models of the jury, hybrid model of the jury, reform of jury trial, post-Soviet criminal justice, jury trial in post-Soviet states
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G.S. Vasiliev On the Way to Cyborgs: Russian Cloning Laws
The author pays attention to the acute problem resulting from the gaps in the current Russian legislation on genetic engineering. The temporary moratorium on cloning along with the absence of duly defined liability for its violation provides sufficient conditions for illegal activities in this sphere, and creates law-enforcement risks, which prevent the development of socially useful therapeutic cloning for medical purposes.
Keywords: cloning, legal regulation of biotechnologies, transplantology, genetic engineering, patenting
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