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Октябрь 2013










V.A. Ganzhala Financial Pledge Agreement
Financial pledge agreement is a tool frequently used in banking practice, according to which the lender (bank) has the right to debit without further authorization the funds from the debtor’s ( customer’s) banking account to repay the outstanding obligations. The article examines the possibility of application of the above tool in terms of the current arbitration practice and the effective legislation of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: pledge, non-monetary funds, banking account, banking deposit, property rights under the account (deposit), bank
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K.T. Khatlamadzhiyan Pledge of Corporate Rights along with the Pledge of Shares or Participation Interest in the Authorized Capital of a Business Entity
The article is concerned with a study of the possibility of pledging corporate rights along with the pledge of participation interest in the authorized capital of a limited liability company or along with the pledge of shares in the share capital of a joint stock company. The author outlines a gradation of rights granted to a person due to his/her participation in a legal entity (corporate rights). The possibility of provision of certain corporate rights to the mortgagee depends on the nature of such rights.
Keywords: corporate rights, pledge of corporate rights, exercise of corporate rights, pledge of a participation interest in the authorized capital of a limited liability company, pledge of shares
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E.A. Evdokimova Pledge Against the Security Transfer of Ownership
The author poses the question whether security transfer of ownership is a separate and valid means of security or represents a pledge under the guise of another concept aimed at circumvention of a number of mandatory provisions of the law on pledge. Apart from the Russian experience, the author analyzes that of Germany, according to which the security transfer of ownership is clearly recognized as a valid means of security.
Keywords: pledge, security transfer of ownership, transaction in circumvention of the law
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I.V. Panova, V.M. Erokhin Measures of Administrative Enforcement under License Control over Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcohol and Alcohol-Containing Products
The article discusses certain issues of implementation of administrative coercive measures with view to effect license control over production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products. Based on the analysis of law enforcement practice, the author formulates shortcomings of the system of license control effective on the alcohol market and advances proposals to address them.
Keywords: license control, measures of administrative coercion, production, turnover, alcohol products, alcohol market
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K.Yu. Totyev Settlement Agreement in the System of Methods of Competition Protection
The article is devoted to the functions performed by settlement agreements concluded with the participation of the competition authority and their correlation in rulings of commercial courts. On the basis of the analysis of recent judicial practice the author sets forth the three functions (proof of legally relevant facts, reaching a compromise between the parties and protection of competition) and insists in cases of their partial complementarity on prioritizing public and legal objectives of concluding settlement agreements. The possibility and the feasibility of such approach are illustrated by the examples of court rulings.
Keywords: settlement agreement, competition, antitrust legislation, competition authority, means of competition protection, breach of the competition legislation, public law purpose, reaching a compromise and balance of interests, proving the facts
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S.A. Khalatov Constitution of the Bench in a Commercial Court in Case of Submission of Identical Claims
The article advances a solution to the problem of the impact of the applicant for judicial protection on constitution of the bench with the use of the automated system of distribution of incoming applications. Based on the theory, the author arrives at the conclusion on the possibility of replacing the judge who allowed the claim, but did not begin to consider the case.
Keywords: commercial court, court bench, removal, abuse
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T.D. Bratko Legal Structure of the Tax Benefit in Accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
The article investigates certain legal issues related to imperfection of the effective regulation of tax benefits, in particular the issue of existence of individual tax benefits, the problem of the right to refuse tax benefits, etc.
Keywords: tax law, the Tax Code, taxes, benefits, tax disputes
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A.A. Solovyev Subject Matter Jurisdiction of Commercial Courts over Disputes on Invalidation of Regulations with View to the Federal Law No. 126-FZ of June 07, 2013
The author presents the dynamics of the legal regulation of issues relevant to the subject matter jurisdiction over disputes in the field of judicial regulative control, defines the actual competence of commercial courts to hear cases relevant to invalidation of regulations, analyzes the key legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation concerning the analyzed issues.
Keywords: subject matter jurisdiction, judicial regulative control, regulatory act, courts of general jurisdiction, commercial courts, and jurisdiction
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