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Июнь 2012







A.V. Tomsinov Estimation of the inestimable: some issues related to correlation of the terms of "damage" and "loss" in the contract law of the United Kingdom and the U.S.A.
This article deals with certain principles of recovery of damage which successfully and for a long period exist in the contract law of the United Kingdom and the U.S.A. but cannot be applied in the Russian legislation. In particular, we examine the narrow and wide conception of damage, compensation for the pure fact of improper execution of contract as well as the possibility for recovery of losses under the conditions of absence of economic losses.
Keywords: recovery of losses, damage, the English law
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Ya.V.Karnakov On the drawbacks and controversies of the new regime of circulation of shares in a LLC charter capital
The author supports the idea that the sense of the existing Law on LLCs generates the requirement of an obligatory notary form only with regard to an executive transaction aimed at alienation of a share in LLC's charter capital. However, a legally binding transaction or any other legal issue serving as the basis thereof is not subject to notarization. The implementation of this principle is illustrated by various types of transactions: an indemnity agreement, an innovation agreement, a corporative agreement, a preliminary agreement, an agreement regulated by foreign law, etc.
Keywords: a share in LLC's charter capital, an executive transaction, a notarized transaction
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A.D.Rudokvas On retroactivity of amendments on acquisitive prescription of a draft of amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Due to substantial amendments which will be introduced to the institute of acquisitive prescription within the framework of Russian civil law reforms, the issue of the action of such amendments in time becomes essential. The author reviews the approaches of European legislative systems for solving this problem.
Keywords: acquisitive prescription, retroactivity, civil legislation reform
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M.A.Rozhkova The anti-consumer Draft Law "On Consumer Loans"
Analyzing the Draft Law "On Consumer Loans" the author comes to the conclusion that the provisions of this Draft Law are not in conformity with the European consumer loans regulations standards and are aimed at overcoming the legal standings elaborated by Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - "the VAS RF").
Keywords: a consumer loan, weak sides of an agreement, an affiliation agreement, the freedom of agreement
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S.G.Pepelyaev Reimbursement of pre-trial costs on tax disputes
The author criticizes the legal standing of the VAS RF according to which the reimbursable court expenditure includes only the costs directly related to examination of a case in court. However as the tax authorities often make knowingly ill-founded claims against taxpayers, the costs which taxpayers had to bear at the pre-trial stage for the purposes of settling the dispute, evaluation of the grounds for the made claims and formulating the evidence should be reimbursed as well.
Keywords: trial expenses, pre-trial expenses, tax disputes
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Review of the legal standings of the Presidium of the VAS RF on the issues related to private law
The review describes the legal standings contained in the judgments of the VAS RF placed in the web-site in April 2012. The review has been prepared by the officials of the Private Law Division of the VAS RF only for information purposes and does not reflect the official position of the VAS RF. In order to get acquainted with the contents of such position it is necessary to refer to the texts of the judgments of the Presidium of the VAS RF.



The judgment of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2012, Ref.No.16
"On Amendments to the Draft of Federal Constitutional Law No. 70703-6 "On Amendments to Articles 13 and 14 of Federal Constitution Law "On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation" and Articles 21 and 22 of Federal Constitution Law "On Courts of General Jurisdiction in the Russian Federation"