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Апрель 2016
Sergey Budylin Tort or Breach of Contract? Representations and Warranties in Russia and Abroad The second part of the article is devoted to the concept similar to Anglo-American warranties and
representations existing in other countries, such as Germany and Russia. The recent Russian reform
introducing the notion of the «representation of fact» into the Russian Civil Code is critically appraised.
Suggestions are made on how to interpret the vague novel provisions, taking into account the foreign
warranty, representation, Germany, DCFR, Russia, Civil Code of Russia
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Dmitry Kopylov Financial Assistance to the Third Parties in the Acquisition of the Company's Shares This article deals with the institute of financial assistance. This institute can be found in the corporate
legislation of many states, including those falling within the category of most economically developed,
but it is unknown to the Russian corporate legislation. Respectively, the question to which we will
attempt to give an answer is whether it is required to include financial assistance provisions into the
Russian corporate legislation and, in the case of the affirmative answer, how those provisions should
look like. In order to answer this question, we will provide a comprehensive review of the foreign
(including supranational) legislation as well as analyze arguments provided in favor of introducing the
special regulation of financial assistance transactions.
financial assistance, corporate law, corporate governance
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