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Август 2014











A.K. Shulga Reasons for early termination of legal protection of a trademark because of its disuse
Exclusive right on a trademark is subject to state registration and will be terminated on grounds of Article 1514 of the Russian Civil Code. Author pays attention to the problems combined with early termination of a trademark because of its disuse
Keywords: trademark, exclusive right, rightsholder, license agreement, interested person, use of a trademark
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A.V. Semenov Apology of the right of prior use
The article provides analysis of the issues of legal regulation and judicial protection of trademarks that have become well-known in turnover through their actual use rather than their registration. Author arrives at the conclusion that the principle of senior right should apply not only to the means of identification enlisted in the Part Four of the Russian Civil Code in case of a conflict but also to other designations in use which leads to a substantial expansion of limitation of exclusive rights on means of identification for purposes of their fair use.
Keywords: trademark, trade designation, means of identification, soviet brands, part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, right of prior use, Intellectual Property Rights Court, unfair competition, senior right principle
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A.N. Kootz, A.V. Tkacheva Particular issues of judicial protection of domain name and trademark
The article covers legal regulation of domains and domain names, domain name litigations, their jurisdiction and official knowledge as well as subject matter of participating persons.
Keywords: trademark, means of identification, domain, domain name, domain name litigation, cybersquatting, unfair competition, domain name administrator, domain name registrar
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E.G. Vasilyeva Taxation at the assignment of trademark
Author has studied the widespread situations arising in taxation (on VAT and organisation profits tax) because of the use of trademark, civil nature of the institute as well as the issues of theory of use trademark as a contribution to the equity capital of to the property of a Russian organisaton.
Keywords: trademark, assignment of trademark, exploitation of trademark
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R.V. Ponomarenko Properties of indemnification according to the norms of land and environmental law
The article presents situations arising in established practice of commercial courts at settlement of question about indemnification in land law litigations. It is concluded that the change of enactments and methods for indemnification according to the norms of land and environmental law is needed.
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T.N. Maslova Court powers in evidentiary activities in civil procedure
The article presents comparative legal analysis of norms regulating the court powers in evidentiary activities in civil and arbitral procedure. Main issues are mapped with provision of recommendations aimed on the unification of civil procedural laws.
Keywords: civil process, arbitration process, evidentiary activity, court powers


Z.Kh. Dokshokova Removal of a member out of the limited liability company
The article describes one of the means to solve the conflict between members of a company – removal of a company member. There is a set of responsibilities violation of which can lead to removal of a company member out of LLC. Grounds for removal as sanctions for legal offence and remedies of company’s defense are specified.
Keywords: limited liability company, removal of a member, corporate conflict
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M.I. Gubenko Civil liability of members of managerial bodies of commercial companies
The article explores peculiarities of regulation of civil liability (including indemnification) of managerial body members of commercial companies, the courts valuation of actions of persons acting with authority of the organs of a juristic person against their correspondence to requirements of reasonableness and (or) fidelity, the studying of distribution of the burden of proof in cases concerning recovering of losses incurred by the members of managerial bodies of commercial companies.
Keywords: civil liability, managerial body member, losses, burden of proof
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I.M. Deneka Dissenting opinion: peculiarities of the institute and its types in Anglo-Saxon law
The article describes development of the .institute of dissenting opinion in Anglo-Saxon law. It is suggested that the concept of such institute should be specified more exactly in the domestic law with preservation of its dividing on types.
Keywords: dissenting opinion, concurring opinion, principle of independence of judges, principle of collegiality, seriatim
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