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Август 2014









S.B. Polich, O.A. Ryapolova. Qualification of actions by improper means in the practice of commercial courts
On the basis of study of certain legal acts of the Ural juridical district for the period of 2010-2013 the article presents a description of the developing courts practice on evaluation of the activity of persons by improper means.
Keywords: misuse of right, execution of civil rights with aim to inflict harm to other person, activity by improper means with unlawful aim, misuse of procedural rights
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T.I. Shaikheev. Peculiarities of legal status of commercial entity holding leading positions on goods market
The article examines one of the key categories of the anti-monopoly law – the dominating position of a commercial entity on the market. It provides a range of terms for acknowledgement of a commercial entity as taking the dominating position on the market with disclosure of the consequences of such acknowledgement.
Keywords: commercial entity, dominating position of a commercial entity on the market, market share, misuse of the dominating position, register of commercial entities



L.V. Pozdniakova, N.E. Napolskaya. On the issue of creditors rights for filing the defense of prescription by the other creditors
The article analyses changes that were lately introduced to paragraph 14 of the Plenary Resolution of the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation of 15.12.2004 № 29. Authors consider a range of questions combined with the practical realisation of the right to file the defense of prescription by the other creditors based on the running of statute of limitations given to the creditors.
Keywords: creditor, bankruptcy, limitation of action, pleading
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E.A. Chudinovskaya. Particular aspects of granting personal securities of the debtor’s obligations by third parties
The article faces a range of subjects to the transactions of granting personal securities of the debtor’s obligations by third parties, legal nature of relations between the debtor and the person providing securities before the performance of the security transaction as well as the possibility of security enforcement in the case of its violation by the party obliged to provide the security.
Keywords: security, guarantee, bailment
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N.A. Roshupkin. Characteristics of trademark trials
The article presents the general description of trademark trials. The trials of subject matter, subject and object of such trials are analysed. General concept of trademark trials is proposed on the basis of separated attributes.
Keywords: trademark, subject matter, subject and object of trademark trials
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E.E. Korshunova. Adoption of interlocutory injunction in bankruptcy cases: controversial issue
The article describes the issue of relevancy of adopting by commercial court of a security measurement at the stage of bankruptcy proceedings in the form of prohibition to the registration organ to register the transfer of property right on the debtor’s property being the subject of transaction which is litigated by the bankruptcy supervisor.
Keywords: security measurements, bankruptcy proceedings, ban on registration of the transfer of property rights
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D.V. Kupreyenkova. Problems and prospects in the sphere of land property seizure for state and communal needs in the modern Russia
The article addresses actual problems arising of the immaturity of legal regulation in the sphere of land property seizure for state and communal needs. Author pays attention to some potential means of their solving and to the potential consequences of the legislator’s omission.
Keywords: state and communal needs, seizure, termination of property rights
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S.L. Budylin. Question of law or question of fact? Proving and cassation
Court is solving the issues of actual fact (whether any physical circumstances or mental states) during the passing of judgment as well as the questions of law (which universally binding rules are to be applied in the case): the first ones – on the basis of evaluation of evidences, the second ones – on the basis of legal and logical analysis. There also exists difference between the rules of revision of the questions by higher authorities: the questions of fact can be solved only by the courts subordinated in the legal hierarchy whereas the questions of law can be solved by the courts of all levels. Is spite of the significance of the topic Russian legislators, courts and law specialists are now showing not much interest towards it. By this attempt to fill up the gap author conducts the comparative analysis of approaches to the questions of law and fact in the USA and in Russia.
Keywords: question of law, question of fact, proving, appeal, cassation, supervision, Russia, USA
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