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Февраль 2013












Shchennikova L.V., Soshnikova M.P. New approaches to the invalidity of security transactions
Most of the problems associated with the invalidity of security transactions derive from their accessory and restrictive interpretation by the courts of the principle of freedom of the contract. Analysis of the planned changes to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the recent acts of SAC of the Russian Federation indicate a tendency to the accessory weakening and limitation in the number of cases of the security transaction recognition as invalid, creating unfair advantage for the debtor. Another trend is the recognition of the right of the parties to provide unnamed ways of securing obligations, coming out from the freedom of contract principle; restrictions for annulment or retraining them to interim measures, specifically stated in Chapter 23 of the CC.
Keywords: ways to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations, the invalidity of the transaction, the accessory, the freedom of contract principle, pledge, guarantee
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Petrov N.V. The absence of the insurable interest in the contract of title insurance as the basis of its invalidity
Article focuses on the title insurance. The legal nature of the insurable interest in the title insurance, the legal consequences of its absence are being considered.
Keywords: invalidity of transactions, the insurance contract, the contract of property insurance, title insurance contract, insurable interest, bona fide purchaser
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Yatsenko T.S. Antisocial transactions in judicial practice
The article investigates the concept and features of antisocial transaction, analyzes the problems of application of Art. 169 of the Civil Code in judicial practice.
Keywords: antisocial transaction, basis of law, the foundation of morality, the illegal trade, the confiscation
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Mazurenko M.A. Failure to comply with the notarial form of transaction on alienation of a share in the share capital of LLC as the foundation of its invalidity
The author, by using the examples from judicial arbitration practice of courts, considers the order of application of the Federal Law of 30.12.2008 № 312-ФЗ On mandatory notarial certification of transactions related to the disposal of shares in the share capital of a limited liability company, and the consequences of non-compliance with such an order in the form of annulment.
Keywords: transfer of a share, notarial certification, the notary, the invalidity of the transaction, a limited liability company
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Babloyan N.V., Straub V.L. The peculiarities of considering by the arbitration court of the claims to recognize the debtor's transaction as invalid outside the bankruptcy case
The article discusses some of the issues of challenging of the debtor's transactions outside the bankruptcy case and the peculiarities of bankruptcy cases of entrepreneurs. The authors also stop at the problem of co-relation of norms par. 2 of Art. 206 of the Bankruptcy Law and par. 17 of Resolution of the Plenum of SAC of the Russian Federation from 23.12.2010 № 63.
Keywords: challenging of the transaction, losses, trades, bankruptcy
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Parasyuk E.A. Resolution of the issue of the validity of the condition on the Commission in the loan agreement: approaches of judicial arbitration practice
The article discusses the approaches to judicial arbitration practice to the assessment of validity of the provisions of the loan agreement on the Commission; it was made an attempt to examine the arguments to support each of the approaches.
Keywords: credit agreement, the legal nature of the commission, the validity of the provisions on the commission
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Divin I.M. Peculiarities of the principle of contentiousness in administrative legal proceedings in the arbitration process
The author examines one of the basic principles of the arbitration process - adversarial principle - and identifies and analyzes its features in the administrative legal proceedings.
Keywords: arbitration proceedings, administrative legal proceedings, adversarial principle, the principle of equality of the parties, the principle of activity of the court
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Borodinov V.V. Limits of the admissible impact on the neighboring land
The author believes that a conflict of interests in the exercise of authority to use is the most severe in the neighborhood relations as well as the use of the rights of one person can lead to the infringement of the interests of his neighbors, under the estate in land. The specificity of neighborhood relations and consequent limitations in using real estate powers is manifested in determining the limits and extent of permissible impact on the neighboring property.
Keywords: law of neighboring tenements, restrictions on authority, estate of freehold
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Kuzmina M.N. Disputes of the construction contracts, concluded under the procurement law
The paper investigates the specifics of disputes arising at the conclusion, change, and execution of construction contracts concluded on the basis of the law on public procurement. Based on examples from the judicial practice of the Arbitration Court of Stavropol Territory the conclusions on the application of the law are made.
Keywords: government contract, annulment of trading, the duty to contract, breach of obligations, refund of spare funds
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Dzhanaeva A.M. Restitution and unjust enrichment in public relations
The article deals with a problem of narrow understanding in Russian law of such categories as restitution and unjust enrichment. Foreign experience shows the possibilities of the extension of these institutions to public relations, which seems appropriate also for the Russian law.
Keywords: restitution, unjust enrichment, the Anglo-American law, public relations
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Ruhtin S.A. Reimbursement of the cost of legal services: U.S. Experience
The author, by generalizing the experience of the United States, concludes that the inclusion of the cost of legal services in the legal costs that are recoverable by the losing party, fulfills the function of preventing of unscrupulous actors of the process, and of the need to meet the principle of respect for the court.
Keywords: U.S. law, court costs, compensation for the cost of legal services
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Griazeva V.V. Insignificance of the violation of law as the basis for exemption from administrative responsibility
The author refers to the category of insignificance of the committed administrative offense and, considering the practice of arbitration courts, concludes its non-uniformity. The article formulates specific questions, the answers to which by SAC of the Russian Federation would allow unifying the practice in the application of Art. 09.02 of the Administrative Code and go away from excessive judicial discretion.
Keywords: insignificance of the administrative offense, judicial discretion
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Shmaliy O.V. The peculiarities of proof of the objective side of administrative violations in the field of antitrust law
The author considers the structure of administrative violations in the field of antitrust law as a matter of judicial knowledge and provides an answer to the question of whether the facts established in the decision of the antitrust body should be proved in court.
Keywords: the set of administrative violation, antitrust law, proof of the objective side of administrative violations
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