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Сентябрь 2012















Pylayeva S.V. On Certain Issues Related To Bringing A Taxpayer To Responsibility For Failure To Provide Within The Established Time Limits The Documents Requested During The Tax Inspection
By bringing a taxpayer to responsibility in accordance with cl. 1 of art. 126 of the RF Tax Code, the tax authority often displays formalism and fails to take into account the taxpayer’s peculiarities and its technical possibilities. This is the reason for recognition of a non-regulatory act as not complying with the law. But without the uniform approach, it is not necessary that a taxpayer will be freed from the responsibility: the court can only decrease the penalty amount.
Keywords: tax inspection, request to submit documents, taxpayer’s responsibility
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Ivanova N.Ye. Problems of Proving By A Taxpayer In The Arbitration Proceedings Of The Fact Of Separate Record-Keeping Of The Amounts For The Value Added Tax For The Acquired Goods (Works, Services).
The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of investigation of cases related to the refusal of tax authorities to grant a tax benefit to a taxpayer due to the absence of separate record-keeping envisaged by cl. 4 of art. 170 of the RF Tax Code.
Keywords: value-added tax, tax deduction, separate record-keeping, evidence
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Kuznetsov P.L. The Fault Of Taxpaying Organizations
In this article the author reviews the issues of presence of a legal person’s fault. The peculiarities of the institute of fault when used in respect of the tax legislation are noted, the problem of correlation of a psychological fault of the organization’s functionaries with the fault of the organization itself is voiced.
Keywords: tax legislation, legal persons’ fault, evidence of criminal intent
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Yaroslavtseva S.V. Expulsion From The Uniform State Register of Legal Entities By A Registering Tax Authority Of Organizations In The Order Envisaged By Art. 21.1 Of The Federal Law Of 08.08.2001 № 129-FZ: Problems, Giving Rise To Judicial Disputes
The author tackles the issue of exclusion from the USRLE of persons, who factually terminated their activities. On a specific example a wide spread problem is analyzed: tax authorities submit documents for exclusion from the register of persons, who do not use bank accounts, while on the basis of the decisions of the same tax authorities, transactions on these accounts are suspended.
Keywords: tax authorities, exclusion from USRLE
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Bratko T.D. Legal Problems Of Establishing Tax Allowances Under The Conditions Of The Russian Federalism
The article is dedicated to the issues related to the peculiarities of legal regulation of tax allowances in Russia as a federative state.
Keywords: tax allowances, budget, level of the budget, subsidies
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Lokova M.I. Certain Peculiarities Of The Obligation Demands’ Turnover
In the article the author undertakes to justify the competence status of a creditor in the obligations legal relationship in case of termination of contractual links; draws a conclusion on the necessity of power of disposition classification as the only possible basis for such competence.
Keywords: obligation demand, rule of law, secondary right, assignment of the right (of demand)
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Otcheskaya T.I. On Some Controversial Aspects Of Inclusion Of Business Enterprises Into The Register Of Dishonest Suppliers
The article is dedicated to the topical issue of the application practice of inclusion of business enterprises into the register of dishonest suppliers. At the same time the author investigates the issues of the fault and identification by an antimonopoly authority of specific circumstances for the purpose of recognizing the supplier’s actions during the conclusion and execution of a government or municipal contract to be dishonest and of inclusion of such a supplier into the register of dishonest suppliers.
Keywords: dishonest supplier, services for state and municipal needs, antimonopoly authority, a person evading the conclusion of a government or municipal contract
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Gorskikh N.A. Government Guarantees: Peculiarities Of Legal Regulation
The article reflects problems of various legal regulation of government and municipal guarantees at the federal, regional and municipal levels, issues of application in respect to the relations appearing from government guarantees, norms of budget and civil legislation, their interrelations, identification of legal nature of the government guarantees’ institute.
Keywords: legal nature of the government guarantee, government support, government debt
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