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Апрель 2012




Chief editor’s column


Interview of the issue

Litvintseva L.R. ‘Main Task Of A Court Is To Deliver An Enforceable Judgment, And The Task Of The State Is To Trace The Enforceability'
Lyudmila Rafailovna LITVINTSEVA, Chairwoman of the 8th Arbitration Court of Appeal, answers questions of Aleksej Belousov, editor of the 'Zakon' (‘The Law’) journal.
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The Event. Comments of the Experts

No-Cheap Representation: A New Word In The Practice Of Judicial Expenses Compensation
On March 15б 2012 in one of the cases under review the RF SCC Presidium did not find grounds to reduce the amount of the expenditures, recovered from the defeated party, for payment of statutory representation services. The amount of approximately RUR 3 mln. is in itself capable to considerably astonish professionals, who know the relevant practice, but there is more to it than that – the salt to the event is added by the fact that the money will be charged from the state (a tax dispute was under the review). What are the consequences of adopting such a decision for legal community and for business?


Topic of the issue

Fedorov A.V. ‘Bankruptcy Is Not Scary For A Tied-In-Knots Inhabitant, It Is Scary For A Roguish Businessman’
Aleksandr Vladimirovich FEDOROV, General Director, Chairman of the Board of directors of USB Collector Group, answers questions of Vladimir Rumak, editorial director of the ‘Zakon’ (‘The Law’) journal.
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Galperin M.L. ‘The Future Of Enforcement Proceeding: Problems Of Cooperation Between The Substantial And Procedural Law’
The article is dedicated to the topical issues of the enforcement proceedings' development from the point of view of its correlation with the branches of the substantial and procedural law. The author made an attempt to identify the connection between the civil law and norms of the enforcement law, to follow the path from substantive basics of enforcement proceeding to its specific institutions. The aim of this analysis was the search of comprehensive solutions to the problem of compulsory execution system in modern Russia.
Keywords: enforcement proceeding, civil law, civil practice, remedy methods
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Bondarenko V. Yu. ‘Modern Tendencies of Enforcement Proceeding And Execution Methods Of Judicial Acts’
The article reviews topical issues related to the stage of judicial acts’ execution. The Russian Federal Bailiff Service’s statistics for 2009-2011 on the percentage of judicial acts’ execution is being analyzed; critical analysis of the problems, existing in the enforcement system is provided. Also the examples of modern methods of judicial acts’ execution are given and recommendations on the improvement of the Federal Bailiff Service work are produced.
Keywords: enforcement proceeding, methods of judicial acts’ execution, restriction to exit, bailiffs’ work statistics
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Shabrov R.V., Vaneyev A.S. ‘Tracing Of A Debtor And His Property Within The Limits Of The Enforcement Proceeding: Novations And Archaics’
The authors review one of the most urgent problems arising at the stage of judicial acts’ execution. On the basis of a detailed analysis of the Russian legislation on enforcement proceeding and the experience of foreign legal orders in the reviewed sphere, there are noted some positive tendencies related to recent changes in the legislation. However the inertness in the bailiff’s activities and imperfection of the enforcement proceeding laws do not allow talking about the creation of an effective mechanism of tracing of debtors and their property.
Keywords: property tracing, debtor’s tracing, bailiff, information technologies, police, plaintiff
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Zhdanukhin D.Yu. ‘Debt Collection Agencies And The Bailiff Service: Forms Of Cooperation’
Improvement of the state and private mechanisms of debt problems’ resolution is connected with both statutory regulation and with the appearance of new forms of their cooperation. The author analyses main draft laws on debt collection activities and draws attention to the necessity of raising the role of informational motivation of voluntary execution by the debtors of their obligations.
Keywords: bailiffs, debt collection, PR-support of the enforcement proceeding
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Discussion Board

Uvarov V.V. ‘Sources of Criminal Law'
The article analyses the concept of the criminal law and its connection with the competency of the authorized body, provides classification of sources depending on their legal effect and states a suggestion on the systematization of criminal legislation.
Keywords: criminal law, source of criminal law, criminal-legal sphere, administrative responsibility, legal persons’ responsibility
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Judicial practice. Comments

Gadelshina E.R. ‘Problems Of Recognition Of Reversed Judgments By International Commercial Courts: The Case Ciments Fran Ais As An Example Of The Russian Court Ruling’
The author reviews the position of the Russian courts on the issues of recognition on the RF territory of the discharged court rulings by international commercial courts in the light of the provisions of the UN Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958 and the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration of 1961.
Keywords: international arbitration, ICC court of arbitration, the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration, New-York Convention, recognition of foreign arbitral awards
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Alteration of the government contract’s terms and payment for the executed works
The contract for the execution of construction works for the amount exceeding RUR 20 mln was concluded by a municipal customer following the results of the sales by the auction in the electronic form. During the work performance the contractor, without the agreement with the customer used the grid reinforcement of smaller diameter, than that indicated in the contract's budget estimate. As a result the cost of the used materials was reduced for 400 thousand Rubles. However the customer does not have any claims in relation to the quality of the executed works. How payment for the executed works is made in this case?


Theory and practice

Reshetnikova I.V. ‘Concepts Of Consecutive Appeals And Concentration Of Judicial Acts’ Execution In The Arbitration Process In Russia’
The article is devoted to two new concepts introduced to the RF APC in 2010, from the point of view of their legislative consolidation and perception in law enforcement practice.
Keywords: arbitral procedure, consecutive appeal, enforcement proceeding, issuance of writs of execution
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Rasskazova N.Yu. ‘Risk Of The Debtor’s Death And The Future Of A Guaranty (In Relation To The Draft Decrees Of Plenums Of Highest Courts)’
The article touches upon the issue that gave rise to disagreements among the highest courts: should the guarantor's obligations be preserved after the debtor's death and upon which conditions? The author provides the solution that takes into account both the logics of the guaranty relations’ development and the realities of the credit market. The author reviews the problem which was not widely discussed - the problem of the antecessor creditors’ rights for the coverage to be paid in case of the debtor’s death.
Keywords: security for the performance of obligations, guaranty, succession, the debtor’s life insurance.
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Solomin S.K., Solomina N.G. ‘Debt Forgiveness: Qualification Issues’
The article justifies the approach to debt forgiveness as one of the forms of the deed of gift, identifies peculiarities in the application of debt forgiveness to the contractual and non-contractual obligations, and provides general concept of a debt for the purposes of art. 415 of the RF CC.
Keywords: obligation, debt, debt forgiveness, extinguishment of obligations, deed of gift
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Imykshenova Ye.A. ‘Economic Partnership And Investment Partnership –Forms Of Foreign Capital Attraction, That Are New For Russia: Tax And Legal Aspects’
The author reviews main characteristics of the new legal forms of investment activities in the Russian Federation and provides its comparative analysis with the comparable European models. The ideas, presented in the article will be primarily of interest to foreign investors, who make investments into the Russian economy and also to law-makers, university professors, students and lawyers who make practice in the sphere of pooled investments and venture funds.
Keywords: economic partnership, investment partnership, investment fund, LP, LLP
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Mikhaylov M.V. ‘Legal Aspects Of The Activities Of The Bank Of Russia And The Endowment Insurance Agency In Relation To The Recovery From The Bank Crisis’
Under the conditions of a financial crisis the state should involve financial-legal mechanisms in order to rehabilitate the main functions of the bank system. This article covers peculiarities of execution of two anti-crisis powers, used by the state for such rehabilitation: powers of the lender of last resort and powers of banks’ re-structuring (readjustment) management.
Keywords: banks, bank system, bankruptcy, restructuring of the bank debt, readjustment, endowment insurance, lender of last resort, the RF Central bank, endowment insurance Agency
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Gorbunov Ye.Yu. ‘On The Issue Of The Legal Nature Of The Agreement Between A Business Association And A Legal Person, Who Exercises The Powers Of The Sole Executive Body’
The author analyses and criticizes points of view found in literature on the legal nature of an agreement between a business association and its controlling organization. Since the subject of this agreement is the performance of legal and factual actions, in its nature it is close to an agency contract, and due to this fact the author positively assesses the RF Ministry of Economic Development and Trade suggestion to apply to such contracts norms for agent’s services in accordance with the mandate model.
Keywords: controlling organization, the sole executive body, delegation of the controlling organization’s authorities, management contract, agency contract
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Akulina T.I. ‘Legal Status Of A Health Worker As A Special Holder Of The Labor Law’
A health worker is a special holder of the labor law who possesses special juridical personality and a legal (labor law) status. The author analyses the differences between health workers and other persons who participate in medical treatment and the specifics of the legal situation of this type of workers as holders of the labor law.
Keywords: legal status of health workers, doctors, medical activities, special holders of the labor law
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