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Май 2011

















Ye. V. Zhukov, A.V. Golets, V.A. Golets, V.V. Vazagov Disputes connected with unauthorized construction (in the context of the new practice of the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation)
This article is devoted to the analysis of application by courts of Article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (in the context of the new practice of the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation). The authors focus on the criteria of unauthorized constraction used by courts, on grounds and conditions of recognition of the right of property to it, on membership of persons having the right to file a claim for demolition of unauthorized construction.
Keywords: recognition of right of property, unauthorized construction, item of immovable property, reconstruction, construction project
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O.L. Rasskazov Main directions of improvement of means of protection of the shareholder's rights and their subsequent exercise
A property system common for the European civil law at which in most of corporations all of the significant decisions are made by majority participants is peculiar to the Russian Law. Such a principle requires attention to observance of rights of minority shareholders and special control over settlement of interested party transactions as well as further development of means of their protection.
Keywords: joint-stock company, corporate affairs, collateral actions, major transactions, interested party transaction
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A.O. Inshakova Carve-out of stocks as a corporate means of protection of the shareholder's rights in the legislation of the Russian Federation and the European Union
This article is devoted to legal regulation of carve-out of stocks in favour of a joint-stock company or third parties as an efficient corporate means of protection of the shareholder's rights. The author carries out comparative analysis of norms of the Federal Law "On joint-stock companies", regulating the order of purchase and repurchase of shares, and of the relevant instructions of the EU Council Directives. The article contains recommendations on improvement of the Russian legislation on corporations for the purpose of creation of the common European Economic Space.
Keywords: corporate means of protection of the shareholder's rights, share acquisition, voluntary and mandatory offer, right to privileged share acquisition, mandatory repurchase of shares, mergers, acquisitions, reorganizaton
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E.A. Gryada Legal problems of re-registering of right to permament (unllimited) use of land lots
With the introduction in 2001 of the requirement on the necessity to re-register the right of permanent (unlimited) use by legal entities, not stated in clause 1 Article 20 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, a number of legal problems arose in connection with definition of the order of re-registering, choice of type of the right and with imposing sanctions for violation of this requirement.
Keywords: right to permanent (unlimited) use, land lot, lease, right of property
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A.A. Krytsula Burning problems of protection of the right of permanent (unlimited) use
When settling disputes on protection of the right to permanent (unlimited) use, courts often have to appeal to the Soviet principles, as there is no new approach to one or another issue in spite of the amended legislation. The author investigates problems arising in the sphere of recognition and protection of this limited proprietary right as well as problems of correlation of powers of the holder of this right with the rights of the proprietor.
Keywords: proprietary rights, protection of the right, land lot, right to permanent (unlimited) use
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A.R. Shogenov Affiliated persons and limitations connected with this status by the example of joint-stock companies
In the article the attempt is made to disclose the notion of affiliated persons within the legislation system of the Russian Federation and to point out the main limitations connected with the status of an affiliated person as well as to relate the notion "affiliation" with the notion "interest" that is used in the Russian legislation. The urgency of this question grew in view of development of economic relations within the country.
Keywords: affiliation, interest, affiliated persons, joint-stock company
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G.B. Kazachenko, S.I. Martynova Analysis of court practice on disputes about voidance of interested party transactions
Interested Party Transactions are often settled by economic societies. Special control is needed over such transactions, and disputes often arise about them. The authors analyse practice of disputes settlement connected with approval of such transactions as well as with grounds and conditions of their voidance.
Keywords: transactions of economic societies, void transaction, interested party transaction, interested party
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S.M. Ilyushnikov To the issue of civil matters classification: division into general and individual
This article is devoted to division of civil matters into general and individual, to the necessity of such division and to the history of appearance of such terminology in the scientific doctrine. Also issues of applicability of such classification under the condition of plurality of persons in the legal relationship are considered.
Keywords: сivil matters, individualization of subjects in the legal relationship, plurality of persons
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I.P. Komurdzhiyeva, M.I. Gubenko Judicial protection of rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when performing state control (supervision) and public control
This article contains analysis of provisions of law defining the order of carrying out of control checks. Conclusions are made about the existing non-uniformity of the case-law relating to separate provisions of law.
Keywords: administrative violation, control and supervision of activity, legal protection of rights
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