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Апрель 2011











S.V. Dedikov The institute of abandon in the area of general civil insurance
The article touches upon the right of the insurant or beneficiary under a contract of property insurance, in case of loss or damage to refuse thereof in favor of the insurer in order to get insurance indemnity at the amount of the full amount at risk. The legal nature of such institute is considered as an unilateral transaction and a special method of targeted transfer of the ownership to another person as well as various complicated issues of application of abandon in practice.
Keywords: abandon, refusal of insured property, constructive loss of property, unilateral transaction, special method of targeted transfer of the ownership
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A.A. Solovyev Consideration by arbitration courts of disputes arising from elations under OSAGO (compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance): tendencies and prospects
The author addresses the possibility of use for consideration of disputes relating to OSAGO of mediation procedures, prospects of adoption of the law on amendment of the CAP of RF in connection with improvement of the procedure of simplified proceedings and on implementation of the system of electronic submission of documents to arbitration courts of the Russian Federation, analyzes key issues of the law enforcement practice in the relevant category of cases.
Keywords: insurance, OSAGO, Russian Union of Car Insurers, mediation, case consideration in simplified proceedings
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V.M. Bartosh Particularities of compulsory state insurance in relation to conditionally insured persons
The national insurance law, in particular, the law on compulsory state insurance of life and health of military people brungs into practice a subject not being the insured but which however is deemed insured during a certain period of time. There are significant difficulties in understanding of provisions of the law governing fulfillment of the insurance obligation in relation to such subject. The article analyzes the main approaches developed in practice which are associated with determination of the subject providing insurance protection to a conditionally insured persons and actual events to be deemed an insurance event.
Keywords: compulsory state insurance, insurance of life and health of military people, insurance event, deferred harm, conditionally insured person
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V.V. Rassokhin Problems of legal regulation of compulsory insurance of civil liability
This material analyzes the main legal matters of compulsory insurance of civil liability. Significant attention is paid to problems identified in the course of application of provisions of effective laws on insurance of civil liability. The author considers examples of the court practice and makes a suggestion on improvement of effective laws.
Keywords: contract of insurance of civil liability, injured person’s claim, indemnification of harm
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M.M. Emelyanov, E.V. Zaychenko Disputes on invalidity of insurance contracts
This article analyzes the most interesting, from the authors’ point of view, grounds of invalidation of insurance contracts which are subject of the practice of arbitration courts of the Moscow district.
Keywords: insurance law, invalidity of an insurance contract, insurance interest, knowingly false data
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I.N. Aksenov Impossibility of application of subrogation at insurance of liability: economic and legal aspects
The article touches upon one of the most complicated and discussed issues of property insurance – the possibility of application of subrogation at insurance of liability. The author justifies the unambiguous impossibility of application of subrogation at insurance of liability from the point of view of both the economic and legal component of insurance protection proposing to impose the functional of subrogation in this type of property insurance on the institute of regress.
Keywords: subrogation, liability insurance, insurance protection, regress
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M.L. Krasnobaeva Problems of insurance of pledged property
The article describes the problem of property insurance in favor of the pledge holder. Does the pledge holder have its own insurance interest in relation to property and is it entitled to get insurance indemnity in case of loss or damage of a thing?
Keywords: insurance interest, insurance contract, beneficiary
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K.A. Korsik Evidentiary meaning of notarized documents in Russian civil proceedings
The author analyzes draft amendments to civil laws and laws on notarial system to the extent of giving special evidentiary force to notarized acts. The article makes an accent on the necessity of parallel amendment of procedural laws and suggests respective amendments.
Keywords: civil process, notarial system, notary act, evidences, evidentiary presumptions
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L.N. Klochenko, M.A. Kondrashkova Agreements between insurance and credit organizations: legal regulation, limits of admissibility and law enforcement practice
The article touches upon legal regulation of agreements between insurers and banks, analysis of the admissibility limits of certain types of agreements, legal forms of state control, studies the procedure for separation of competence of supervisory authorities, limits and methods of control, describes the law enforcement practice.
Keywords: agreements, insurance organization, bank, limits of admissibility, separation of competence of supervisory authorities
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