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Апрель 2010











S.N. Veretennikova Matters of application of Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
In compliance with clause 1 of Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation interests for use money funds of other persons as a result of their illegal holding, their return avoidance, other repayment in arrears or unjustified receiving or saving at the expense of other person are falling due on a sum ot these funds. The author analyses approches existing in theory and judicial and arbitration practice on several matters related to the application of Article 395 of the Civil Code of RF.
Keywords: liabilities, payment of money funds in arrears
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S.A. Kurochkin On the practice of adjudgements by the arbitration courts in cases on contestation of arbitral decisions and decisions of international commercial arbitration
The article covers analysis of practice of application by the arbitration courts of provisions of the Article 30 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of RF in cases on contestation of arbitral decisions and decisions of international commercial arbitration, pronouncing on the territory of the Russian Federation. A special attention is paid to the order of proceedings in this category of cases, to the application of established by law grounds for annulment of awards, to the balance of the provisions of the Arbitration Procedure Code of RF, of the Federal Law "On the Courts of Arbitration in the Russian Federation", of the Federal Law "On the International Commercial Arbitration".
Keywords: court of arbitration, international commercial arbitration
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D.N. Morozov Comment to generalization of practice of application of legislation concerning pledges
The article represents a comment to generalization of practice of application by the Eighteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal of legislation concerning pledges The author of the comment as a developer of the generalization explains reasons to include one or another example of the judicial practice in the said analytic document, as well as presents a brief justification of approaches existing in theory and judicial practice with regard to application of several regulations of legislation concerning pledges.
Keywords: pledgeholder, pledge of property in possesion of other person, reservation of pledge rights
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D.V. Elizarov Legal fate of inseparable improvements in real estate lease agreement
According to clause 2 of Article 623 of the Civil Code of RF, in the event when the tenant improved the property in tenancy from own funds and with consent of the leaseholder, which are inseparable without damage to the property, the tenant has the right to compensation of value of these improvements after termination of the agreement, except as otherwise provided by the lease agreement. The article examines issues related to application of the indicated provision.
Keywords: lease, inseparable improvements
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D.A. Karimov, S.S. Gorbunov How do not transform the rights indicated in the Article 127 of the Customs Code of RF into the liability not allowing at the same time commission of offence?
The article examines different interpretations of the Article 127 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation while ascertaining of guilt of the legal entity for commitment of administrative violation, provided for by part 1 of the Article 16.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations.
Keywords: declared goods, customhouse broker, customs applicant rights
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V.A. Lukianov Concerning beginning of running limitation period of imposition of administrative sanctions at application of part 4 of the Article 4.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations
In compliance with part 4 of Article 4.5 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations in the event of dismissing criminal complaint or of termination of criminal case, but in the presence of characteristic features of administrative violation, the limitation period provided for by the mentioned article, begin to be computed as of the day of taking decision of dismissing criminal complaint or termination of criminal case. At that there are often in practice cases, when within the framework of the same criminal case the court decision of its termination is taken more than once. The article is dedicated to the matter of the order of limitation period computation, imposition of administrative sanctions for in these cases
Keywords: limitation period, order of computation
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I.V. Reshetnikova Procedural and organizational consequences of application of the Article 18 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of RF (permanence of the composition of the court)
In compliance with part 2 of Article 18 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of RF the case, hearing of which opened by one judge or by the composition of the court shall be reviewed in court by the same judge or by the same composition of the court . At application of this legal provision a question arose: at what stages (phases) of the arbitration proceedings has effect the principle of permanence of the composition of the court?
Keywords: composition of the court, replacement of the judge
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